coffee/toby !


ranboo my beloved <3

Personal information

CountrySex. orientation

sixteen (16)he/him, they/themBrazilaroace





coffee, tea, late night streams, horror movies, my friends, cold weather, rain, quiet places, catshot weather, dark chocolate, loud places, school, math, physics, rough textures


Before you follow

Dont follow if

i dont support any problematic actions my favs did/commited, i livetweet and rt a lot, i abbreviate some wordssupport problematic cc actions, doesn't hold their favs acountable for something bad they did, is lgbtq+phobic, racist, xenophobic, basic dfi, anti of my favs, -12 or +25 (unless ify first)

Contents [hide]

1 Stan list
2 Subtwts
3 Music list
4 Extras

Stan list

ranboo, tubbo, tommy, karl, quackity, technoblade, wilbur george, philza, bbh, sapnap, punz, saiko, billzo, aimsey, bigbossboze, corpse, tina


bootwt, beetwt, innittwt, honey/tubbotwt, benchtwt, sleepytwt, wilburtwt, technotwt, quacktwt, honktwt, dtkqtwt, clingytwt, crimeboystwt, bonesduotwt

Music and Bands

Molchat doma, Lovejoy, Tyler the creator, Vocaloid, Testament, Radiohead, Bôa, The Smiths, Mook, Deftones, Mild High Club, MCR, JackStauber, S3rl, Lana del rey, Rebzyyx, Breakcore, Harddance, Hyperpop, Emo, Screamo (and more cuz i donte remember everything i listen to)


i like heartstopper, i'm in a QPR, i like anime, i'm emo, i'm a older sibling, i like to vibe with my friends, i listen to music 24/7, i'm in 11th grade, i'm bilingual and i have two cats!!!